15 Smart Products To Help You Sleep Faster

What wouldn’t we do for a good night’s sleep? All that stress and work during the day, and even though we’re tired, it takes forever to fall asleep. Tossing and turning, just waiting for sleep to come. Only to find ourselves disturbed by random noises, or just our mind racing from one thought to another. It is recommended that adults sleep about seven to nine hours a night. Busy schedules often bite off a chunk from that time, and the annoying time we spend waiting to fall asleep plays a big part too.

It’s time we got a grip on our sleeping habits and set the good old circadian rhythm back to regularity. If you are plagued by the same problem, here are a few smart products to help you sleep faster:

Smart Products to Help You Sleep Faster

Thanks to modern technology, we no longer have to spend time counting sheep or doing similar shenanigans waiting for us to fall asleep. The modern world has several solutions ready, including scientifically backed responses. There are quite a few smart products that can help you sleep faster. Let’s take a look!


15. Get Blackout Curtains


Well yes, curtains! Don’t make the mistake of having flimsy curtains on your windows. Not only will those curtains let noise in easily, you’ll also spend the night getting disturbed by headlights or even lights from your neighborhood. Blackout Curtains are heavy, and will block out 100% of the light coming in. They won’t do the same to sounds, but they will dampen them to a fair degree. These curtains also have some ability to act as insulation, so you’ll also save a bit on energy.

More importantly to our topic, by blocking light and damping noise, these curtains make your bedroom a lot more peaceful. With external disturbances gone or minimized, you’ll find yourself drifting to sleep sooner.


14. Get A White Noise Machine

Drown outside noises so you can sleep better. We process sounds even in our sleep, os it is obvious that disturbing sounds end up ruining our sleep. If you are dealing with trouble like this one, having something like a white noise machine could prove beneficial. These machines try to remove distractions from background noise, by adding a layer of calming sounds that make it easier for you to sleep through the night.

If you own something like the Amazon Echo or Echo Dot, simply ask Alexa to play ocean sounds or other similar effects and you’re good to go. If the Echo doesn’t cut it for you, there are several products specializing in white noise systems. Sense Sleep System for example, is a machine built to offer white noise or calming sounds. It also includes monitors for humidity, sleep quality, air quality, and temperature.


13. Use a Humidifier or Diffuser with Lavender Oil

The air quality in your room makes a huge impact on how well you sleep. Products like humidifiers and oil diffusers can go a long way in improving the air quality of your room. A humidifier sprays fine mist into the air, reducing germs and allergens. A diffuser, like the URPOWER Diffuser adds essential oil aroma along with moisture. Lavender oil is an excellent choice, as can help decrease heart rate and blood pressure, allowing you to fall asleep easier and sleep better.


12. Good Ambient Lighting Is Your Friend

The human body is not all that comfortable with all the artificial lighting we use. Additionally, the blue-light from your mobile screen and laptop doesn’t do any favors either. Stow away the gadgets at least an hour before you go to sleep. And more importantly, get good ambient lighting. A dim, warmer light as you prepare to go to sleep can be very helpful.

The smart gadget to choose here would be the Philips Hue White Ambiance Smart Bulb starter kit. The kit includes a dimmer switch as well as the option to change warmth and color of the light. It can be controlled through several options, including a mobile app, Alexa, Homekit, or Google Assistant.


11. This Works Sleep Plus Pillow Spray

This Works ought to be sprayed on the pillow to get an excellent sleeping environment. This Works Sleep Plus spray creates a relaxing environment, making it easier for the user to fall asleep and sleep better. It’s an organic, cosmetic product with the goal of achieving better skin through better and relaxed sleep.

Incidentally, the company claims that not only does the product help users to sleep faster, it also helps them sleep better and have better quality daytime wakefulness the following day. So if you believe in the magic of botanical oils and essential oils, give it a shot.


10. Nokia Under-mattress Sleep Tracking Pads

Understand your sleep better! Nokia under-mattress sleep tracking pads gather important metrics on your sleep. Just set it up once and the pad will get to work tracking quality of your sleep, heart rate, and sleep cycle. With accurate reports at your disposal, you can go about better managing your sleep cycle, bringing regularity and discipline.

The Nokia tracking pad can also work as an automation interface to manage your lights and music, showing how much useless work Nokia engineers put in the gadget. Take the roundabout way to things by going “Alexa ask Nokia to turn on lights.” Yeah, we could just ask Alexa to do that! Good sleep tracker, redundant automation features.


9. Use A More Supportive Pillow

Get a nice, supportive pillow that supports your neck adequately. Apparently, you should be getting yourself a new pillow every two years. While a perfect pillow is a personal choice, take a look at these options available. The shredded memory foam pillow from Coop Home Goods has received great praise. Similarly, the Weekender Ventilated Gel Memory Foam Pillow is meant for those looking to get more temperatur relief from their memory foam pillow.


8. Get a Weighted Blanket

If tossing and turning before you drift into sleep is your problem, a weighted blanket can be an excellent solution. Choose a weighted blanket that’s roughly 10% of your body weight, and prepare yourself for a nice, comfortable sleep. The mattress is designed to surround the body and create a gentle sensation of being held. Overall, the blanket creates an excellent sensation, allowing most sleepers to relax and drift into sleep faster.


7. Change Your Alarm Clock

You are probably setting up your daily alarm on your phone. And when you do set up and check the alarm, it’s only natural to spend a few minutes on your phone. Well, you’ve heard it before, and hear it again: staring at the screen right before you sleep messes with your sleep, giving you to that tossing and turning. Perhaps consider going back to the good old alarm clock for waking up. Or if you prefer things to be more tech-savvy, this alarm clock that mimics the effects of the rising sun could be the right fit.


6. Declutter Your Bedroom

You may not think a cluttered or messy room to be too much trouble, but as it turns out, it is trouble for your sleep. Clutter in your bedroom does interfere with your sleep. The solution? Keep it all managed. You don’t have to turn super organized and tuck everything away neatly, but you can have something to stow away all that clutter. A simple basket to hold your things will do. The same goes for your nightstand as well. Anything that’s not essential goes into the basket when it’s nap time. There are plenty of options available, so take your pick. Here are two to get you started.


5. Remove Bold Colors, Add Textures

Don’t have your bedroom painted in bold colors, and if you have a sizeable product of a bright and bold color, consider moving it to a different room. The bedroom should bring you a calm that lets you relax and fall asleep. Bold colors are not the way to go for relaxation. Of course, feel free to use your creativity to ensure the bedroom doesn’t end up being a dull place. Use textures to make your bedroom into shape. You could add something like a throw blanket to the bed, and an area rug to the floor.


4. Get Temperature Regulating Bedding

Staying at the right temperature is important, especially if you’re prone to waking up feeling hot or cold. Wear clothes that keep you warm, but don’t make you sweat, and top it off with temperature regulating bedding. The idea here is to wick away moisture to keep you cool if you’re feeling hot, and to provide cover and warmth if you’re cold. You can choose temperature regulating blankets, and perhaps even mattress padding should you need it.


3. Noise Cancelling Ear Plugs

If you need complete silence for your sleep and those white noise generators don’t cut it for you, get ear plugs. They will cut off ambient noise, and can be comfortable enough to be used while you sleep. Although, it might take some time getting used to them. Even so, remember these are not permanent solutions, and you cannot (rather should not) sleep with ear plugs every night. For the occasions you do need them, the noise cancelling ear plugs do their job pretty well.


2. A Perfect Mattress


Choosing a mattress is a personal affair, and one that deeply affects your sleep. Even so, many people neglect changing their mattress when required, and stay on uncomfortable mattresses thus ruining their sleep. Checkout the Linenspa hybrid mattress that has a 1.5-inch layer of memory foam sitting atop an innerspring base. Well over 5000 reviews make this a very high-rated, and bestselling mattress on Amazon.


1. A Smart Anti-snore Gadget

Your partner snoring in bed is troublesome enough. But, keep in mind that the person snoring isn’t doing themselves any favors either. Snoring can lead to several health problems, including substantially increased risk of a heart attack. Conventional solutions to snoring are those uncomfortable and unseemly CPAP devices. Snore B Gone is a smart gadget that makes getting rid of snoring convenient and simple.

This smart device is quite simple in appearance, but its results are remarkable. An advanced anti-snoring solution, Snore B Gone is a revolutionary mouthguard that can get rid of snoring with relative ease. They are currently running an offer where you get an anti-snore gadget free for every single purchase! Now that’s a deal.